Devising Seminars

One important addition to Parallel Informal Negotiation is the addition of unofficial actors who will not participate in the formal negotiations. These may be technical experts (invited by a facilitator with the concurrence of all the formal representatives). They may be non-governmental interests (like NGOs) that have strong views on the issues scheduled to be discussed at formal negotiating sessions. 

By bringing all these individuals together in an informal but carefully facilitated meeting, the parties may be able to generate “winning coalitions” of various kinds that change the balance of power in subsequent formal negotiations. Devising Seminars need to be preceded by the preparation of a Stakeholder Assessment (or a Conflict Assessment) by a professional “neutral” acceptable to all the key parties. Stakeholder Assessments  ensure that the appropriate participants are invited to the Devising Seminar and that all the parties who participate have a hand in shaping the agenda and the ground rules. Stakeholder Assessments are, by this time, carried out in a predictable way. There are groups (like the Consensus Building Institute) that specialize in preparing them and in facilitating Devising Seminars